In zoos, anyone handling these snakes receives special training for their care. This makes them dangerous to humans, and you should not own one as a pet.

No, all of the various species are venomous. Humans have not domesticated these snakes in any way. They also suffer due to purposeful hunting and loss of prey species from pollution. Habitat destruction is one of the most common reasons for population decline. Sadly, human activity poses a much greater risk to these snakes than they do us. Because they are venomous, they do pose a risk to humans. Even those species that come in contact with humans frequently tend to avoid conflict unless they become trapped. Humans interact with different species in different ways. Some of the different types of prey that the many species hunt include rats, mice, birds, rabbits, lizards, frogs, snakes, bats, and more. Larger individuals can feed on larger prey, while smaller species must eat smaller foodstuffs. Their diet primarily changes based on how large the snake is and where the snake lives. Diet of the Pit ViperĪll of the various species are carnivorous, and eat other animals. The rest of the various species live throughout Eurasia. The majority of species live in North, Central, and South America. Some live across wide ranges while others occupy just a small area. Distribution of the Pit Viperĭifferent species live in different regions. Numerous species also range into agricultural regions, like farms, pastures, plantations, and more. Some of the different types of habitats that these snakes utilize include woodlands, forests, rainforests, scrub, desert, and more. Some species also live in mountainous regions.

They range throughout many different types of ecosystems, from arid deserts to humid rainforests. You can find these reptiles throughout Central America.ĭifferent species in this subfamily prefer different types of habitats. They are so named for their preference of mountainous habitats. Montane Pit Viper – Researchers recognize five different species of montane pitvipers.Though they live throughout various regions in Indonesia and the surrounding islands, their name comes from their preference for the Malaysian Temple of the Azure Cloud. Temple Viper – This reptile is one of the more brightly colored of the various species.People also refer to this species as the “common lancehead.” People frequently encounter this species because it hunts for rats and mice in farms and pastures. This species lives primarily in Central and South America. Fer-de-Lance – Like all vipers, the Fer-de-Lance is venomous.Learn more about some of the individual species of Pit Vipers below. With such a 151 different species, these snakes have an immense variety of traits and adaptations to help them survive. long or more! Some species weigh upwards of 20 or 30 lbs. However, the largest individuals of the largest species reach around 12 ft. Some smaller species reach just a foot long as adults. Unlike the rest of the Viperidae family, these reptiles have unique pits on their heads. Their scales come in tan, black, brown, copper, grey, and more. Many have cryptic, or camouflage, coloration and patterns. These venomous reptiles come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.